Fatima Binte S. A. Majeed
Latar belakang pendidikan:
Sarjana Muda, Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah, Mesir
Penulis & Pendakwah
Pengetua, Greenview Islamic School, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
1. [19–]. Love Allah, Know Islam (with sound cassette). Singapore: Singapore Muslim
Convert’s Association. Attempts to capitalize on your child’s interest in nursery rhymes by replacing their original lyrics with those containing Islamic values. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 2. [19–]. The Islamic law is simple. Vol. 1. (s.l.). 320 p. Detailed laws on the first two principles of Islam – the shahadah (testimony) and the salaah
(prayers). A recommended book for all Muslims. Pengetahuan Islam Fiqh Ibadat – Solat 3. [19–]. The Islamic law is simple. Vol. 2. (s.l.). 220 p. Detailed laws on the rest of the five principles – the zakat, fast, hajj and the laws on food. Pengetahuan Islam Fiqh Ibadat 4. (1986, Dec). Polygamy in Islam. The Muslim Reader, Vol. 6 No. 4, p. 33 – 36. The PM’s suggestion of polygamy as a solution to the short-fall in the birth-rate among the able and highly educated created an uproar among the various women’s organisations. Ahwal Syahsiah – Pernikahan & Perceraian 5. (1988). Love Allah, Bismillah & Subhanallah. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing. Collections of Muslim nursery rhymes, jingles and songs for children and adults. Each song
teaches Islamic values such as good behavior and honesty. Through beautiful melodies, children can learn about Islam as a religion and way of life. Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan Akidah 6. (1988). Subhanallah: lagu dakwah untuk kanak-kanak. Terjemahan dari: Love
Allah, know Islam dan Bismillah. Diterjemahkan dengan bantuan Khatijah Sehat.
Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing. 25 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 7. (1988). Religious is simple. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 198 p.
Also republished as:
(1990). The religion is simple : the theology of Islam (al-Tawheed) : the rationale of the
six articles of faith. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 311 p.
(1995). The religion is simple. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 370 p. It answers the fundamental 180 questions that Muslims and non-Muslims ask about Islam. The answers are simple and clear-cut. It includes questions and answers with glossary, syllabus and supportive evidence from the Quran and the Hadith. Akidah 8. (1989). Love Allah, Know Islam (with sound cassette). Singapore: Ze Majeed’s
Publishing, 56 p. A collection of nursery rhymes containing Islamic values. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 9. (1989). Teach your child Islam: we believe. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 56 p.
Republished in 2001 & 2004 The 2nd book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, as it should be, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Be careful. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 10. (1989). Teach your child Islam, we will prove our belief. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 56 p. The 3rd book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 11. (1991). Bahasa Arab. Peringkat 1: Buku teks. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 34 hal. Pengenalan kepada huruf-hurf hijaiyah dan pembinaan ayat-ayat mudah. Buku teks dalam
bahasa Inggeris dan Melayu ini sesuai untuk kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa yang ingin
belajar bahasa Arab. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 12. (1991). Lughatul al-Arabiah: al-adad 1. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 22 p. Buku mengira dalam bahasa Arab dari nombor satu hingga tiga puluh dalam 2 jilid. Bahasa
perantaraan dalam Inggeris dan Melayu. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 13. (1991). Lughatul al-Arabiah: al-adad 1. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 34 p. Buku mengira dalam bahasa Arab dari nombor satu hingga tiga puluh dalam 2 jilid. Bahasa
perantaraan dalam Inggeris dan Melayu. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 14. (1991). Islamic law: al-fiqh. Volume 1. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 292 p. It contains al-ibaadaat : the acts of submission in Volume 1 and Zakaat : questions & answers in Volume 2. Fiqh Ibadat – Zakat 15. (1991). Bahasa Arab Peringkat 1. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 34 p. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 16. (1991). We love Allah, we love Islam. Book 1. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 22 p. Akidah 17. (1991). We believe. Book 2. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 22 p. Akidah 18. (1991). We will prove our faith. Book 3. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 26 p.
Republished in 2004 The 3rd book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Ramadhaan. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan
19. (1992). Allughatul al `Arabiah atadribat 1. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 69 p. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 20. (1992). Allughatul al ‘Arabiah atadribat 2. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 58 p. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 21. (1992). Allughatul al ‘Arabiah atadribat 3. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 58 p. Bahasa & Sastera Arab 22. (1992). God and man: questions and answers. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 155 p. A thorough revision of the first two chapters of the “Religion is simple”, written in 1988. It includes 73 questions and answers about God, faith, religion, sin, Paradise and Hell. Akidah 23. (1993). Little Muslims: Muslim songs for children. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 98 p. Akidah 24. (1993). Israak & Mi’raaj: questions and answers. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 98 p. Describes the miraculous journey and ascent of the Prophet S.A.W. as in al-Quran and hadith. It tells what and why it happened. Akidah 25. (1994). Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham). Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 26 p. Sejarah Para Nabi / Qisasul Anbiya 26. (1994). Prophet Nooh (Noah). Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 26 p. Sejarah Para Nabi / Qisasul Anbiya 27. (1995). Jesus the Messiah: [the fascinating lifestory of Jesus according to the Gospels,
the Dead Sea scrolls and the Qur-aan]. Jointly Written with Muhammad Azman
Hamzah. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 106 p. Agama Samawi Sejarah Para Nabi / Qisasul Anbiya 28. (1995). The journey and the ascent of the prophet. (Revised edition). Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 118 p. The Israak and the Miiraaj is indeed the greatest manifestation of Allah’s mercy and love for his creation. Uncover the lessons that attribute to the social and spiritual development of the Muslim. Akidah Sejarah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. & Ahli Bait 29. (1995). The Hajj: the law & the rationale. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 147 hal. Fiqh Ibadat – Haji & Umrah 30. (2001). Kami beriman. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 55 hal. Akidah 31. (2001). Kami beriman kepada Allah yang maha esa. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah 32. (2001). Kami sayang Allah, kami sayang Islam. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 1. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 62 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 33. (2001). Kami buktikan iman kami. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 3. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 56 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 34. (2001). Kami beriman kepada Asma-ul-Husnaa. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 5. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 35. (2001). Kami beriman kepada malaikat. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 6.
Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 36. (2001). Kami beriman kepada kitab-kitab Allah. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 7. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 37. (2001). Kami beriman kepada al-Quran. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku 8.
Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 38. (2001). Kami percaya al-Quran mukjizat terbesar. Asuh anak anda Islam, buku
9. Singapura: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 48 hal. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 39. (2001). We believe in only one God. Teach your child Islaam learning series. Attawheed,
Book 4. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004 The 4th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Mountain trekking. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 40. (2001). We believe in the Asmaa-ul Husnaa. Teach your child Islaam learning
series. At-tawheed, Book 5. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 5th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. “Theme: A helping hand”. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 41. (2001). We believe in the Malaa-ikah. Teach your child Islaam learning series. Attawheed, Book 6. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 6th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: A fishing trip. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 42. (2001). We believe in the Books of Allah. Teach your child Islaam learning series:
At-tawheed, Book 7. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing. 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 7th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: A visit to the museum. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 43. (2001). We believe in the holy Qur-aan. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing. Teach
your child Islaam learning series. At-tawheed ; Book 8. 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 8th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: A trip to the library. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 44. (2001). We believe in Qur-aan the greatest miracle. Teach your child Islaam
learning series. At-tawheed, Book 9. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 9th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. “Theme: A trip to the Science Centre” Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 45. (2001). We believe in Yawmul Qiyaamah. Teach your child Islaam learning series.
At-tawheed, Book 19. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 19th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Imagine ….. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 46. (2001). We believe in minor signs of Yawmul Qiyaamah. Teach your child Islaam
learning series. At-tawheed, Book 20. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 20th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding.
Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 47. (2001). We believe in the major signs of Yawmul Qiyaamah. Living our lives with
at-tawheed. Teach your child Islaam learning series, Book 21. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s
Publishing. 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 21st book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: A visit to the zoo. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 48. (2001). We believe in the Qadhaak and the Qadar. Teach your child Islaam learning
series, Book 22. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing.
Republished in 2004. The 22nd book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s (God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Choices. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 49. (2001). We know the Qadhaak and the Qadar. Teach your child Islaam learning
series. At-tawheed, Book 23. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p. Republished in 2004. The 23rd book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Emergency Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 50. (2001). Living our lives with at-tawheed. Teach your child Islaam learning series.
At-tawheed, Book 24. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p.
Republished in 2004. The 24th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding.Theme: Now I know. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 51. (2001). We understand Islaamic terminology. Teach your child Islaam learning
series. At-tawheed, Book 25. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 47 p.
Republished in 2004. The 25th book in the series designed to teach children understand Islam easily, since Allah’s
(God’s) theology is based on easy understanding. Theme: Welcoming tourists. Akidah Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan 52. (2002). The jumaah salaah and sunnah salaahs. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 357 p. Fiqh Ibadat – Solat 53. (2002). The Islamic Law. Volume One: The shahaadah and the salaah. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing, 287 p. A useful guide on the first two principles of Islam. It teaches the obligatory and the commendable prayers in detail. Includes questions for discussion, supportive bases for the law and pictures on perfoming the salaah. Fiqh Ibadat – Solat 54. (2002). The Islamic Law. Volume Two: Zakaat. Singapore: Ze Majeed’s Publishing,
330 p. It deals with the next pillar of Islam; zakat. What is zakat? What are the types of zakaat? Who can receive zakat? An essential handbook on zakat for the Muslims. Fiqh Ibadat – ZakatPenulisan