Inshirah Bte Abdul Hadi Lim | Pergas Blog


Inshirah Bte Abdul Hadi Lim

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang (LL. B) (Kepujian)
Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang (Syariah) (Kepujian)
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Eksekutif Undang-Undang


1. (2015, Sep – Dis). IIUM ‘Garden of Knowledge and Virtue’. Ar-Risalah 19, hal. 21-23. The author relates her experience studying law in the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Laws (AIKOL) at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang


2. (2018, Sep – Dis). Tradition and Islamic Learning: The Experience of Singapore Students in Al-Azhar – a book review. Ar-Risalah 28, hal. 35.

Unique experiences of Al-Azhar students (Azharites) especially their struggles against the cultural difference are narrated.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang

Ulasan Buku

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