Muhammad Azfar bin Anwar | Pergas Blog


Muhammad Azfar bin Anwar

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda, (Bahasa & Sastera Arab, Sains Islam dan Kajian Semitik & Oriental), Cairo University, Kaherah, Mesir
Sarjana (Pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam), Universiti Oxford


1. (2014, Apr). The unwelcomed return of kalam? Wasat 2. Also published as: (2015). The return of kalaam: the antithetical nature of discursive theology engaged by asatizah in Singapore to the ‘Pious Past’.

The mainspring of the downfall of Islamic civilisation has been re-awakened. The pernicious nature of Kalaam has been forgotten. Charges of heresy and apostasy are hurled across brethren.

Akidah, Tamadun

2. (2015). The failure of failing political Islam: problematising the conception that political Islam has failed. Problematising_The_Conception_that_Political_Islam_has_Failed

Many questions asked were mere detractions; products of over-problematisations. Flawed paradigms are set in stones, still not shifting but strengthened, and producing a recycling of rhetorical tirades of a misconstrued ‘Way of Life’.

Islam & Politik

3. (2015). Husein, revolution & Karbala: A Sunni historical narrative.

Husein’s head was being paraded in the Umayyad palace. The man on the throne smirking. Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah thus desanctified and criminalised. Lamentations dramatised. What is the true and real unbiased story of Husein?

Sejarah Khulafa’ Rasyidin, Sahabat & Tabi’in

4. (2015). Who is Islam? : High religious culture and popular religion in Islamic middle periods.

The Islam that we see, hear, and read about today is the product of a 1400-year old tradition of embodiments. However, who embodies this Islam? Who speaks for it? Who gets to define it?

Agama Samawi / Perbandingan Agama

5. (2015). A multi-faith Mecca: Reconstructing the religious environment of early Islam.

It aims to show how a synergism (between critical Western revisionist scholarship and Muslim traditionist scholarship) could work in the reconstruction of early Islam, particularly the religious environment during its formative period.

Agama Samawi / Perbandingan Agama, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

6. (2015). Before the caliphate: challenging the caliphate notion through a conceptual Islamic framework. Notion_through_a_Conceptual_Islamic_Framework

Is the Caliphate an ex nihilo form of government of seventh century Arabia? Is it an Islamic doctrine where its institution is a religious duty? What system of governance should Muslims adopt? Is the Caliphate the only appropriate way to build and maintain an “Islamic” order?

Kepimpinan & Tanggungjawab, Sejarah Islam Khulafa’ Rasyidin, Sahabat dan Tabiin

7. (2017). Constructing new Quranic language and wisdom on the metaphysics and teleology of homosexual disposition.

What is the Qur’anic attitude towards homosexuality? Does the Qur’an make any distinctions between the act of sodomy and same-sex disposition? What is the Islamic teleology on ‘dispositional homosexuality’?

Sosio-Masyarakat – Homoseks

8. (2017, Mar 15). Intersectionality of identities in medieval Islamic biographical dictionaries: Ibn al-Ḥanbalī’s Durr al-Ḥabab fi Tārīkh A’yān Ḥalab and linguistic nuances in referencing different ‘Homosexual’ behaviours. Paper presented in the Oxford Medieval Studies Workshop on medieval intersectionality organised by the TORCH Humanities & Identities Headline Series on Wednesday, 15th of March 2017, The Taylor Institute, University of Oxford.

This paper approaches Ibn al-Ḥanbalī’s (d.1563) biographical entries in his Durr al-Ḥabab fi Tārīkh A’yān Ḥalab (Beads of Pearls in the History of the Aleppine Nobles) which makes references to ‘homosexual’ behaviours and tendencies, and analyse how he overlaps and intersects these identificatory data of the biographee with other varying identities and subjectivities, to form one complex identity of each biographee.

Sosio-Masyarakat – Homoseks

9. (2018, Apr). Between western revisionism and Islamic traditionalism in Islamic history: a case study of the multireligious environment of early Islam. Wasat 20.

The synergy between critical Western scholarship and Muslim traditional scholarship, with the utility of primary and secondary sources relied by both approaches, along with critical Western revisionist approach, are effectual in persuasively reconstructing the religious environment of early Islam.

Kesederhanaan dalam Islam

10. (2018, Jun). When mosques become contested spaces. Wasat 21.

A response to a viral blog post about the Chinese New Year celebration held in the Yusof Ishak mosque here in multi-religious and multi-racial Singapore.

Kesederhanaan dalam Islam

stories from the author

Edition No. 21

When Mosques Become Contested Spaces

“We have no issues with Muslims celebrating Chinese New Year (CNY). It is a cultural event, and we have many…

  • 484
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Edition No. 2

The Unwelcomed Return Of Kalam?

It has returned. The mainspring of the downfall of Islamic Civilisation has been re-awakened. Reanimated by the very people who…

  • 315
  • 0

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