Suaidah Binte Salim | Pergas Blog


Suaidah Binte Salim

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda (Syariah Islamiah), Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah, Mesir
Dar Az-Zahra, Yaman


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Pengasas Soul Project


1. (2012). Invoke me and I’ll answer you. Vizier 1, p. 6-7.

Explains certain times which dua (supplication) are more likely to be accepted by Allah S.W.T. as mentioned by Rasulullah S.A.W.

Doa & Zikir

2. (2012). What more can we ask? Vizier 3, p. 22.

Explains the meaning of du’a “Rabbana Aatina fid Dunya Hasanah …..” which includes all aspects of good in this life and teaches to seek refuge from evils.

Al-Quran – Tafsir

3. (2012). Nikah – understand it. Vizier 4, p. 30.

Allah has promised that tranquility in dunya can be achieved through marriage and in the rememberance of Allah.

Ahwal Syahsiah – Pernikahan & Perceraian

4. (2012). Hijab – The best accessory. Vizier 4, p. 32.

Hijab is for all women who want Allah, love Him and His Massenger, live for Allah’s pleasure and who choose the Quran and Sunnah above the Dunya.

Wanita – Hak & Tanggungjawab

5. (2012). Why your du’a may not be answered. Vizier, p. 7.

Some possible reasons why our du’a are not accepted include; inattentive hearts, not forbidding evil, unlawful income, impatient and breaking ties of kinship.

Doa & Zikir, Etika & Akhlak

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