Nazirudin Bin Mohd Nasir, Dr. | Pergas Blog


Mufti Dr Nazirudin Nasir

Nazirudin Bin Mohd Nasir, Dr.

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda (Syariah), Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah, Mesir
Sarjana (International and Comparative Legal Studies), School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
Sarjana Falsafah, University of Oxford, UK
Doktor Falsafah (Theology and Religion), University of Oxford, UK


Mufti Singapura, Muis


1. (2002, Nov-Dis). Reliving a lost tradition. Warita Kita, Bil. 142, hal. 12-13.

The author discovers that Quran is not all about scientific facts or legal and moral rulings; it is a source of inspiration and motivation for all to do almost anything.

Al-Quran – Ulum

2. (2004, Oct – Dec). Kaedah Az-Zari’ah: mengukur matlamat melalui wasilah. Tulisan bersama Mohd. Haniff Hassan. Al-Risalah 7, 17 -19.

Kertas kerja dalam sesi Mudarasah bersama Asatizah (2004) ini membincangkan kaedah Az-Zariah (cabang daripada kaedah asal Fiqh Al-Maal), aplikasi hukum dan contoh-contoh kontemporari.

Qawaid Fiqhiyyah

3. (2006). Seminar Wasiat Faraidh dan Rancang Pusaka [videorecording]: keadilan membawa kesejahteraan. Penceramah Suhaimi Salleh, Hj. Pasuni Maulan, Nazirudin Mohd. Nasir, Ustaz Dato’ Ismail Kamus. Singapore: Barakah Capital Planners and Nusantara Network, 2006. 2 videodiscs (300 mins).

Ahwal Syahsiah – Faraid, Nuzriah, Wakaf & Wasiat

4. (2007). Resilience based on faith. In Konvensyen Madrasah: Kertas-kertas kerja dan lain-lain artikel. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu Singapura. 56 hal.

The recent world events such as the terrorist attacks, have often being perceived by some Muslims as evidence of a concerted effort by the West to vilify Muslims. Instead of succumbing to this polemic thinking, we should maximise our efforts to bring the best out of our religion and seek guidance on how Muslims can surmount challenges of modernity with resilience.

Also published in: (2007). Fighting terrorism: the Singapore perpective. Compiled by Abdul Halim Kadir. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu, hal. 40–45.

Paper presented during the Shared Perspectives Seminar 2007, “Building a Resilient Youth”, 12 March 2007. Youth are advised not to isolate themselves, effecting positive change to the Muslim and world community.

Pendidikan Keluarga, Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

5. (2013). Individual right vs. public interest: the role of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore in bioethics consultation on genetic privacy. In Genetic privacy: an evaluation of the ethical and legal landscape, eds. Terry Kaan & Calvin Ho. London: Imperial College Press, p. 203-222.

Fiqh Kontemporari, Etika & Akhlak

6. (2015). Socio-historical contexts in legal reasoning: Ibn Qayyim al–Jawziyya and `Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī on Dhimmis. Qayyim_al-Jawziyya_and_Abd_al-Ghanī_al-Nābulusī_on_Dhimmis

Varying conceptions of the status of dhimmis can be found within the Islamic legal tradition.This variety in juristic interpretation instructuring relations within multi-religious contexts ought to be given particular attention and also the role socio-historical contexts play in juristic reasoning.

Undang-Undang & Kehakiman, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

7. (2015). Rethinking “religious” in interreligious engagement. Jointly written with Albakri Ahmad. CENS Workshop on Social Fault Lines and Singapore, 21 Oct 2015 @ Marina Mandarin Singapore. Singapore: RSIS.

Akidah, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

8. (2015). Cultures of Singapore Muslim religious life in 2065. In Mendaki Policy Digest (Special Edition SG50). Singapore: Yayasan Mendaki, p. 91-94.

From the mid-20th century, Singaporean students have ventured into different institutions, whether in the Middle East or regionally, for Islamic studies. It is therefore unsurprising that as access to a various interpretation of the religion becomes easier, the religio-cultural landscape in the Singapore Muslim community begins to undergo a transformation.

Masyarakat Melayu/Muslim Singapura

9. (2015, Jun). Socio-historical contexts in the interpretation of religious doctrines in classical and contemporary Islam. Wasat 9. Also published in: (2016, May-Aug). Ar-Risalah 21, p. 7.

Discusses the importance of understanding the context behind the texts and views of classical scholars. Two different views of the same issue by two past prominent religious scholars and the context that led to the differences are explained.

Kesederhanaan Dalam Islam

10. (2018). Contextualisation and modernization: Islamic thought through Fatwas in Singapore. In Fulfilling the trust: 50 years of shaping Muslim religious life in Singapore. Edited by Norshahril Saat. Singapore: World Scientific Publishers, pp. 57-71.

Issues of jurisprudence and law feature prominently in the corpus of Muslim religious works and in cultures of religious life. They document the diverse ways in which communities, under the guidance of jurists and scholars, negotiate the demands of lived realities and adherence to God’s sacred law.


11. (2018, Sep 7). Penting fahami prinsip, matlamat agama membangun masyarakat Muslim. Berita Harian, hal. 89.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama, Kesederhanaan Dalam Islam

stories from the author


Socio-historical Contexts in The Interpretation of Religious Doctrines in Classical and Contemporary Islam

In the traditions of Islamic jurisprudence, there are varied conceptions of the status of non-Muslims in Muslim contexts. This variety…

  • 523
  • 1

Edition No. 9

Socio-Historical Contexts In The Interpretation Of Religious Doctrines In Classical And Contemporary Islam

In the traditions of Islamic jurisprudence, there are varied conceptions of the status of non-Muslims in Muslim contexts. This variety…

  • 265
  • 0

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