Irwan Hadi Bin Mohd Shuhaimy | Pergas Blog


Irwan Hadi Bin Mohd Shuhaimy

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda (Syariah), Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah,
Sarjana (Undang-Undang) (LLM), Law School of
Oriental & African Studies, University of London, UK


Timbalan Pengarah Pejabat Mufti, Polisi Agama &
Kajian, Pejabat Mufti , Muis
Setiausaha, Jawatankuasa Fatwa Singapura


1. (2012, Dec 16). Berkenalan dengan al-Quran. Berita Harian, hal. 13.

Al-Quran – Ulum

2. (2012, Dec 30). Dunia ibarat bilik darjah luas untuk insan tingkat pemahaman. Berita Minggu, hal. 11.

Akidah, Islam & Alam Sekitar

3. (2012). Memahami evolusi fiqh di dalam sejarah Tasyri. Dalam Konvensyen Fiqh 4 Mazhab Singapura, 15-16 September 2012. Anjuran Darul Fiqh Masjid Al-Iman, Persatuan Muhammadiyah & Syukran International. Singapura: Masjid Al-Iman, hal. 11-39.

Perbahasan tentang sejarah perundangan Islam dan perkembangan mazhab fiqh termasuk intipati evolusi mazhab fiqh, faktor perkembangan, ciri-ciri utama metodoloji ijtihad, serta usul atau dasar mazhab yang berbeza di dalam istinbat hukum.

Fiqh 4 Mazhab, Usul Fiqh

4. (2013, Feb 18).Tak setuju? Ada adabnya. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Etika & Akhlak

5. (2013, Dis 23). Solat tidak terabai masa percutian. Berita Harian, hal. 13.

Fiqh Ibadat – Solat

6. (2014, Jan 3). Banyak hutang, kena bayar zakat CPF? Berita Harian, hal. 12.

Fiqh Ibadat – Zakat

7. (2014, Feb 14). Perlu rancang perbelanjaan agar elak pembaziran. Berita Harian, hal. 13.

Etika & Akhlak

8. (2015, Ogos). Al-Ghazali and his ecumenical mission; a reflection for contemporary Singaporean community. Wasat, hal. 13-20.

Religious leaders are to be reminded that the idea of tawhid which literary means unity is intended to unite humanity under the appreciation of a common God.

Akidah, Masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura

9. (2016, Apr). A wasatiyah approach to estate planning: maqasid and ethics of planned giving in Islam. Wasat 8, hal. 15-20.

This article has two objectives; to raise awareness among readers the importance of heritage for the benefit of the heirs, and to broaden the readers’ minds that the distribution of inheritance in Islam is not just limited by the instruments.

Ahwal Syahsiah – Faraid, Nuzriah, Wakaf & Wasiat, Kesederhanaan Dalam Islam

10. (2016, Apr 23). Perlu bersedia mencorak masa depan kita. Berita Harian, hal. 13.

Etika & Akhlak

11. (2016, Mei 28). Keluarga sumber kedamaian. Berita Harian, hal. 17.

Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan

12. (2016, Jun 12). Jati diri kukuh, pemikiran luas mampu bina daya tahan diri terhadap ideologi ganas. Berita Minggu, hal. 15.

Etika & Akhlak

13. (2017, Mei 12). Syaaban bulan pengampunan. Berita Harian, hal. 11.

Etika & Akhlak

14. (2018). Developing asatizah in Singapore through the Asatizah Recognition System. Jointly written with Mohammad Hannan Hassan. In Fulfilling the trust: 50 years of shaping Muslim religious life in Singapore. Edited by Norshahril Saat. Singapore: World Scientific Publishers, pp. 73-87.

It includes the following sections: challenges faced in Post-Independence Singapore, the role of Muis and community partners in the early years, asatizah development today, community’s readiness for mandatory ARS and the conclusion on further centralisation of religious life.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Asatizah – Pengiktirafan

stories from the author

Edition No. 8

A Wasatiyah Approach To Estate Planning: Maqasid And Ethics Of Planned Giving In Islam

In discussing the topic of wealth planning in Islam, it is important that one takes into consideration its fundamental principles…

  • 537
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Edition No. 4

Al-Ghazali And His Ecumenical Mission: A Reflection For Contemporary Singapore Muslim Community

With the proliferation of new media, historical lines of friction and tension points which have always existed between different orientations…

  • 441
  • 0

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