Muhammad Tarmizi bin Abdul Wahid | Pergas Blog


Muhammad Tarmizi bin Abdul Wahid

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Diploma (Syariah), MARSAH, Malaysia
Sarjana Muda (Syariah), Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah, Mesir


Pengasas dan pemilik bersama Safinah Institute


1. (2011). Prayers for success : 21 practical steps to achieve a higher quality of life through a stronger communication with Allah. Singapore: Mizi Wahid, 124 p.

Find out the most recommended timings to make a prayer. Learn the right attitude to have, when making a request to Allah as advised by Prophet s.a.w. Understand the real science of how prayer, our efforts and fate come to determine our destiny in this life and in the afterlife.

Fiqh Ibadat – Solat

2. (2015, Dis). The future of Islamic education in Singapore. In Mendaki Policy Digest, (Special edition SG50), Release 3, p. 157-160.

Discusses the future opportunities and challenges within the frame of Islamic education, focusing more on the areas of methodology, content, people and platforms. Islamic education is defined as the exchange of Islamic knowledge through the processes of teaching and learning between two or more individuals.

Pendidikan Islam

3. (2016, Feb). Square pegs in round holes: madrasah graduates in modern Singapore. Wasat 7.

Asatizah are urged to reflect on the role of graduate school in Singapore today in connection with the expectations of society towards them and the socio-economic reality of the country. To ensure that they remain relevant and contribute significantly to the society, they can act as the main agent of wasatiyah.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Asatizah – Profesion

4. (2016, Ogos 21). Peranan ibu bapa pengaruhi didikan agama Islam. Berita Minggu, hal. 13.

Pendidikan Keluarga – Keibubapaan

5. (2016, Okt 1). Cabaran disiplin dalam menimba agama. Berita Minggu, hal. 11.

Pendidikan Islam, Etika & Akhlak

6. (2017). The art of letting god. Singapore: Safinah Publications. 133 p.

Written in an honest, simple and relatable style. The message is clearly delivered in short and simple storytelling /conversational style. An easy and a good read when one needs a little lift in his spirits or a little reminder to take a break, let go and let God.

Akidah, Etika & Akhlak

7. (2018, Jun 18). Malam kemuliaan lebih baik daripada seribu bulan. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Doa & Zikir

stories from the author

Edition No. 7

Square Pegs In Round Holes: Madrasah Graduates In Modern Singapore

The quota for madrasah students allowed for enrollment each year has been limited to around 400 and this is due…

  • 360
  • 0

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