Siti Noor Hidayah Binte Abdul Ghani | Pergas Blog


Siti Noor Hidayah Binte Abdul Ghani

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda (Usuluddin), Yarmouk University, Jordan


Pendakwah & Penterjemah Bebas


1. (2011, Okt – Dis). Communication conflict. Al-Risalah 8, hal. 16-17.

Communication can cause conflict due to miscommunication. The process of how our brain filters the information and myths about communication and conflict management are explained.

Etika & Akhlak

2. (2012, Jan – Apr). Burnout. Al-Risalah 9, hal. 17-18.

Discusses the definition of burnout. Three burnout areas, the differences between stress and burnout, as well as some tips in overcoming burnout are described.

Etika & Akhlak

3. (2013, Jul – Dis). Jordan… kini ku datang lagi… Al-Risalah 13, hal. 24-29.

Travelog penulis yang menelurusi beberapa kota dan tempat bersejarah di Jordan. Beliau turut bernostalgia di Universiti Yarmouk, tempat pengajiannya.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Travelog

4. (2014, Sep – Dis). Lets face it!. Al-Risalah 16, hal. 9-11.

Provides guidelines in using facebook as a platform to attain mardhotillah which is the ultimate purpose of life.

Etika & Akhlak

5. (2015, Mei – Ogos). Women: Aurat and Tabarruj. Ar-Risalah 18, hal. 11-13.

Since the covering of the aurat is an obligation to Muslim women, it is without doubt that tabarruj is prohibited as cited in Surah Al-Ahzab: 33.

Wanita – Hak & Tanggungjawab

stories from the author


Women - Aurat and Tabarruj

“ I will cover my aurat after I get married someday” “She just got back from umrah, therefore she is…

  • 2385
  • 2


Let's Face It!

It is natural instinct for human being to communicate and integrate in a society be it multi-cultural society or a…

  • 415
  • 0

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