1. (1987). Missionary Islam. The Muslim Reader, Vol. 6 No. 5, p. 9 – 13.
Through western authors, we learnt that Islam was spread by the swords and Muslims hold people at gun point. The author narrates the true, peaceful but difficult task of missionary work.
2. (1994, Jul – Sep). The story of the animals in the farm. The Muslim Reader Vol. 12 No. 3, p. 32- 35.
Discusses “Ilmu-al-Akhlaq” which concerns about development of personality. Man is destined to become the noblest of all of Allah’s creatures as demonstrated in the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., a man perfected by God.
Etika & Akhlak
3. (1994, Okt – Dis). Dakwah bil Hikmah not Dakwah bil Hakam. The Muslim Reader Vol. 12 No. 4, p. 4-6.
The writer’s response to the criticism by some people on the lack of enforcement to segregate the men and women listening to public talk organised by the Muslim Converts’ Association.
4. (1995, Apr – Jul). Responding to the question … Can a Muslim convert participate in the Chinese New Year? The Muslim Reader, Vol. 13 No. 2, p. 6-9.
Stresses that tolerance and the spirit of accommodating the various ethnicity and cultures have been one of the strengths of Islam.
Etika & Akhlak, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama
5. (2000, Okt – Dis). Ilmu – suatu renungan (pengetahuan atau pengertian). Al-Risalah, hal. 3–5.
Pengertian keilmuan, keimanan dan kemahiran menurut perspektif Islam. Umat Islam wajib
sedar dan waspada terhadap perbezaan tasawwur Islam dengan kefahaman bukan Islam.
Tasawwur, Islam & Ilmu
6. (2001, Apr – Jun). Melayu baru. Al-Risalah, hal. 35.
Islam is the most important criterion for being Malay and it is to Islamic teachings whose values
principally define what a “Malay” is.
Tasawwur, Masyarakat Melayu
7. (2001, Okt – Dis). WTC (New York)! – Just a reflection. Al-Risalah, p. 3-5.
Furious discussions on the 11 Sep 2001 incidents were inevitably thrown into the gamut diverting the emphasis of discussion from one of trying to seek out evidence of who the perpetrators were, on to accepting that the perpetrators were Muslims.
Tasawwur, Etika & Akhlak
8. (2002). Beginners’ manual on Islam. Text specially compiled for new Muslims undergoing their “Fardhu Ain” class. Singapore: Pergas, 129 p.
Specially compiled for new Muslims undergoing their “Fardhu Ain” class. Gives detailed explanation of the articles of faith and the principal pillars of Islam.
Akidah, Fiqh Ibadat, Pengetahuan Islam
9. (2004, Jan – Mac). Kenapa pula lebah dibenci. Al-Risalah, hal. 10-14.
Walaupun dibenci, sikap dan kehidupan lebah kerana kerajinan dan disiplin mereka harus
dicontohi. Begitu juga tentang ajaran dan umat Islam yang kini disalah ertikan akibat
propaganda dari pihak-pihak tertentu.
Etika & Akhlak
10. (2004, Jul – Sep). Kasino di Sentosa – Apa sikap kita. Al-Risalah 7, hal. 10-14.
Cabaran kehidupan seorang Muslim dalam masyarakat majmuk khususnya amalan perjudian
dan hukum Islam mengenainya.
Etika & Akhlak, Fiqh Halal & Haram, Masyarakat Melayu / Islam Singapura
11. (2005, Apr – Jun). Volunteerism and the Islamic perspective. Al-Risalah 13, p. 3-5.
Eventhough, the concept of volunteerism is alien to Islam, it emphasizes the criteria for every amal as khidmah acceptable to Allah and depends on one’s intention, sincerely and consciously done for the sake of Him.
Etika & Akhlak
12. (2008). A parable “A good word is like a good tree”. Reflection by Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail. (s.n.)
Reflection by the author on Qur’anic verses 24-25 from Surah Ibrahim.
Akidah, Pengetahuan Islam