1. (2015, Sep-Dis). Environmental suffering. Ar-Risalah 19, p. 12-15.
Environmental awareness and the protection of our fragile earth and its natural resources are imperatively vital. As viceroys and stewards on this earth, utilizing the natural resouces in a sustainable manner is crucial to ensure that Allah’s bounties continue.
Islam & Alam Sekitar
2. (2016, Mei-Ogos). The man-made caliphate. Ar-Risalah 21, p. 8-10.
It is a norm for Muslims to live under non-Muslim government. As long as freedom of religion are supported and the five necessities Al-Darurat Al-Khamis in fiqh are protected and preserved wih no contradiction of the Islamic principles, Muslims are not obligated to migrate of live under a Muslim rule.
Kepimpinan & Tanggungjawab
3. (2016, Sep-Dis). Salah tanggap konsep stereotaip ‘Feminism Islam’. Ar-Risalah 22, hal. 13-15.
Kesedaran mengenai konsep feminisme, amat penting untuk menangani dogmatik pada kebiasaan umum dan “mengambil mudah” yang secara tidak langsung menguatkan lagi salah tanggapan stereotaip pada konsep feminisme Islam.
Kepimpinan & Tanggungjawab
4. (2018). Understand Islamic feminism to avoid wrong and unfair generalisation. In Budi Kritik. Singapore: The Literary Centre and The Reading Group, Singapore, pp. 149-158.
A proper scholarly understanding on Islamic feminism from gender experts and intellectuals are needed to address the erroneous and stereotypical attacks on Islamic feminism. Highlighting critical differences between Islamic and other forms of feminism, particularly of the radical secular type, is necessary.
Wanita – Hak & Tanggungjawab