Mohamed bin Ali, Dr. | Pergas Blog


Mohamed bin Ali, Dr.

Latar belakang pendidikan:

Sarjana Muda (Syariah) Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah,mMesir
Sarjana (Hubungan Antarabangsa) Sekolah PengajianmAntarabangsa S. Rajaratnam (RSIS), Universiti TeknologimNanyang, Singapura
Doktor Falsafah (Pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam)mUniversiti Exeter, UK
Specialist Diploma in Counseling Psychology, Academy of Certified Counselors, Singapura


Penolong Professor (Pengajian Hubungan Antara Agama dalam Masyarakat Majmuk), Sekolah Pengajian Antarabangsa S. Rajaratnam (RSIS), Universiti Teknologi Nanyang (NTU), Singapura
Ahli, Lembaga Rayuan Syariah (Syariah Appeal Board), Muis
Ahli, Kumpulan Pemulihan Agama (RRG)
Ahli, Lembaga Pentadbir Masjid Khatijah


1. (1999, Ogos). Tasawuf suatu hakikat ilmu zahir dan bathin. Inabah Jilid 2 Isu 2/99, hal. 22-23.

Kajian tentang sejarah Tasawuf, pandangan ulama terhadap Tasawuf, Makam Tawakkal dan Taqwa, peranan para ulama dalam perkembangan Tasawuf dan keperluan Tasawuf pada kehidupan hari ini.

Tasawuf / Tazkiyyatun Nafs

2. (2000, Apr). PERKEMAS keseimbangan teras kepimpinan. Inabah 4 (1), hal. 38-41.

Perkemas melakarkan program lima tahun untuk memperkasakan ahlinya dalam kemahiran bahasa Inggeris, sains IT dan pengetahuan semasa.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang

3. (2000, Ogos). Menuju kepada Allah dengan khidmat cemerlang. Inabah, Bil 6 isu 3/2000, hal. 8-10.

Sejarah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., sahabat dan tabiin mempaparkan perjalanan hidup insan cemerlang dan diiktiraf dengan anugerah keredaan Allah S.W.T.

Sejarah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. & Ahli Bait, Sejarah Khulafa’ Rasyidin, Sahabat & Tabiin

4. (2001, Dis). Adab & hukum dalam qurban. Inabah, Bil. 11 isu 5/2002, hal. 12-14.

Sungguhpun penyembelihan boleh dilakukan oleh orang lain, tetapi lebih afdal jika dilakukan oleh orang yang meniatkan ibadat itu.

Fiqh Ibadat – Korban

5. (2002, Feb). Aidiladha & Qurban. Inabah, Bil. 11 isu 5/2002, hal. 5-7.

Tafsiran mengenai Aidiladha dan Qurban, sejarah dan hikmah Qurban juga perbezaan antara Aidiladha dengan Aidilfitri.

Fiqh Ibadat – Korban

6. (2004, Ogos). Hijrah dan perubahan pada negara. Inabah Bil.19 (2), hal. 44-45.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. menyusun “Konstitusi atau Piagam Madinah” untuk kesepakatan masyarakat majmuk di sana. Ini relevan untuk masyarakat majmuk di Singapura.

Sejarah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. & Ahli Bait, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

7. (2005, Okt 29). Bahaya jika ideologi ganas merebak. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

8. (2005, Nov 12). Pengganasan tiada agama. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

9. (2005, Nov 19). Muslim digalak amal hidup inklusif. Berita Harian, hal. 6.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

10. (2007). Muslim world needs moral and intellectual leadership. In Konvensyen Madrasah, 14 Julai 2007, p. 37-40.

Kepimpinan & Tanggungjawab

11. (2007). Coping with the threat of Jemaah Islamiyah – The Singapore experience. In Fighting terrorism: the Singapore perspective. Compiled by Abdul Halim Kadir. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu. p. 108-118.

Focuses on Singapore’s experience with Jemaah Islamiyah in an attempt to analyze the threat and to discuss the effectiveness of counter terrorism measures used to meet the threat.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

12. (2007). The diffusion of ideas in the war on terror. In Fighting Terrorism : the Singapore perspective. Compiled by Abdul Halim Kadir. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu. p. 119- 126.

Examines the various theories of diffusion of ideas and norms through the international system in an attempt to answer some questions: How do terrorist norms emerge and become institutionalized? In this war on ideas, how do we effectively compete with their ideas and norms?

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

13. (2007, Mac). Ideological response to terrorism & extremism. Inabah 24, hal. 18-21.

General public should be targeted in order to create awareness through public talks on deviant ideology so as to prevent them from becoming susceptible to the terrorists’ ideology.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

14. (2007, Jun 16). Kembalikan tradisi Islam intelektual. Berita Harian, hal. 12.

Islam & Ilmu

15. (2007, Okt 13). Erti kemenangan di Aidilfitri. Berita Harian, hal. 16.

Etika & Akhlak

16. (2007, Nov 24). Memerangi ideologi ganas, radikal di internet. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

17. (2008, Jan 26). Apakah ada penghujung perang ideologi ganas? Berita Harian, hal. 5.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

18. (2008, Apr 25). Perangi pengganasan dan fahaman radikal. Berita Harian, hal. 7.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

19. (2008, Sep 23). De-radicalisation programmes: changing minds? RSIS Commentaries CO01800.

A de-radicalisation or rehabilitation programme is an important and effective strategy to combat the current wave of terrorism and extremism. Several countries have developed such programme to eliminate the ideology and replace it with positive ones.

Kaunseling & Pemulihan

20. (2008, Dis 9). Tingkat strategi perangi ideologi ganas. Berita Harian, hal. 3.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

21. (2009, Jul 25). Perlu pendekatan menyeluruh tangani ideologi ganas. Berita Harian, hal. 17.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

22. (2009, Sep 19). Usah jadikan kemenangan Ramadan sementara sahaja. Berita Harian, hal. 9.

Fiqh Ibadat – Puasa

23. (2009). Enduring threat of self radicalization. In Countering radicalism : next generation and challenges ahead, p. 137-141. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu, Singapura.

Active and continuous engagement with the Muslim community is vital in the fight against extremism. Cooperation with governments regionally and internationally is crucial to keep abreast of the latest developments and radicalization trends.

Kaunseling & Pemulihan

24. (2009). Understanding Al Wala Wal Bara. In Countering radicalism : next generation and challenges ahead. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu, Singapura, p. 79-90.

The concept of Al-Wala Wal Bara’ (Love and hate for the sake of Allah) in its proper perspective. According to Al-Qahtani and its influence as a premise for extremist ideology, response to the misinformed and the effort to address the misconception.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

25. (2009). War against terror. In Countering radicalism : next generation and challenges ahead. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu, Singapura, p. 91-94.

As an open society, Singapore will continue to be exposed to source of radicalization. Reducing the threat of self-radicalisation is a long-term effort and success cannot be easily achieved.

Kaunseling & Pemulihan, Masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura

26. (2009). Striking the roots of radicalism. In Countering radicalism : next generation and challenges ahead. Singapore: Taman Bacaan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu, Singapura, p. 107-112.

The problem of radicalism is the distortion of the true teachings and spirit of Islam. Efforts must not be spared to uphold the proper teachings of Islam and put right concepts that are misunderstood.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

27. (2009, Mar 28). De-radicalization initiatives in Egypt: a preliminary insight. Coeditor with Rohan Gunaratna. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 32, p. 277-291.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

28. (2013, Apr 8). Hala tuju RRG selanjutnya. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

29. (2013, Nov 1). Shariah law and hudud: understanding Its objectives and spirit. RSIS Commentaries CO13204. 3 p.

The Sultan of Brunei recently announced the introduction of the Shariah penal code (hudud) as part of implementing Shariah law in the country. What do the terms Shariah law and Hudud entail and what are their objectives?

Undang-Undang & Kehakiman

30. (2014, Jan). Islam and peaceful co-existence : the ethics and dynamics of Muslim and non-Muslim relationship. Inabah 25, p. 46-50.

Shows how the concept of “Al-Wala’ wal Bara’ (loyalty and disavowal) has been misunderstood and some observation on the current dynamics of Muslim and non-relationships in plural societies.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

31. (2014, Jun). The beauty of tolerance: interfaith relations in Islamic traditions. Inabah 26, p. 47-50.

Islam accommodates and recognizes diversity, differences and welcomes all human beings as occupants of the earth that must be valued and respected. Tolerance is the value that holds the community together.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

32. (2014, Jul27). Dambakan kedamaian bagi umat sejagat di Aidilfitri. Berita Minggu, hal. 12.

Masyarakat Islam – Luar Negara

33. (2014, Ogos 7). Silap tafsiran mengenai akhir zaman. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

34. (2014, Jul 30). ‘Jihad’ in Syria: fallacies of ISIS’ end-time prophecies. RSIS Commentaries CO14149. 2 p. Also published as: (2015, Jan). Jihad in Syria : fallacies of ISIS’ end-time prophecies. Inabah 27, p. 32-33.

The conflict in Syria has attracted many foreign fighters from across the globe with the belief that it is a Jihad obligation and it is a prelude to the End of Time (Yaumul Qiyamah).

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

35. (2015, Mac 18). Salafis, Salafism and modern Salafism: what lies behind a term? RSIS Commentaries CO15057, 3 p.

The use of the term Salafi and Salafism in the contemporary period is ambiguous and confusing. Find out what is Salafism and who are the Salafis.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

36. (2015, Apr 15). Militan perguna ideologi Salafi untuk tujuan ganas. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

37. (2015, Nov 19). Forging Muslim and Non-Muslim relationship: contesting the doctrine of Al-Wala’ wal Bara’. RSIS Commentaries CO15251.

The doctrine of Al-Wala’ wal Bara’ which is central to the ideology of modern Salafism poses challenges to Muslim and non-Muslim relationship and integration. A nuance and “sophisticated” understanding of the concept is critical to guide the direction of this integration.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

38. (2016, Jan 25). Countering ISIS ideological threat: reclaim Islam’s intellectual traditions. RSIS Commentaries CO16016.

The terrorist attacks in Paris and Jakarta and the recent arrest of ISIS-leaning Bangladeshi nationals in Singapore clearly highlights the enduring pervasiveness of the ISIS ideological threat. Reclaiming Islamic intellectual traditions will be critical to deal with the threat.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

39. (2016, Feb 16). Religious pluralism and peace: lessons from the Medina Charter. RSIS Commentaries CO16035.

The Medina Charter constituted by Prophet Muhammad in 622 in Arabia was intended to end inter-tribal conflicts and maintain peace and cooperation among the Medinan people 1,400 years ago. Many lessons can be drawn from the Charter to enhance peaceful inter-religious relations today amid current moves to revive this historic document.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama, Sejarah Islam

40. (2016, Jul 7). Sepenuh tenaga laksanakan perintah Tuhan. Tulisan bersama Mohd. Haniff Hassan. Berita Harian, hal. 9.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

41. (2016, Jul 16). Banning of ISIS’ Al-Fatihin: Is this enough? RSIS Commentaries CO16191.

The authorities in Singapore recently banned Al-Fatihin, a newspaper published by an Islamic State-linked media agency. Will this be enough to reduce the lure of jihadism?

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

42. (2016, Ogos 3). Membendung ancaman radikalisma diri. Berita Harian, hal. 19.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

43. (2016, Aug 11). IS terrorism: How to win the ideological battle? RSIS Commentaries CO16203.

The recent terrorist attacks in several countries by individuals inspired by the so-called Islamic State (IS) highlight the enduring ideological threat of IS. Serious consolidated efforts are needed to meet the threat with counter-ideology messages to target audiences.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

44. (2016, Ogos 26). Keganasan IS: Bagaimana mengatur kemenangan perang ideologi. Berita Harian, hal. 19.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

45. (2016, Sep 28). From legitimacy to social change: Understanding the appeal of Salafism. Jointly written with Ahmad Saiful Rijal Hassan. RSIS Commentaries CO16238.

As a religious ideology, Salafism is gaining wide acceptance in the Muslim world while attracting increasing attention in the West today. Many Muslims embrace it as the authentic Islam. What are the features that make Salafism so appealing to many Muslims?

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

46. (2016, Oct 11). Salafis and Wahhabis: two sides of the same coins? Jointly written with Muhammad Saiful Alam Shah Sudiman. RSIS Commentaries 254.

The terms Salafis and Wahhabis are often used inter-changeably. Many confuse the two while others refer them as one. Find out what are the differences between the two.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

47. (2016, Dec 8). From Kharijites to IS: Muhammad’s prophecy of extremist thought. RSIS Commentaries CO16297.

The Prophet Muhammad had prophesied the coming of extremism. The roots of the vicious beliefs of IS can be traced back to the Kharijites – the first extremist group in Islamic history. What were the defining characteristics of the Kharijites and their impact?

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

48. (2016, Dis 21). Daripada Khawarij kepada IS: Jangkaan Nabi Muhammad terhadap pemikiran pelampau. Berita Harian, hal. 7.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

49. (2017, Mei 31). Peranan utama relawan wanita perangi ideologi radikal. Tulisan bersama Sabariah Mohamed Hussin. Berita Harian, hal. 9.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Wanita – Hak & Tanggungjawab

50. (2017, Jun 9). IS Ramadan attacks: perverted interpretation of fasting month. RSIS Commentaries 17115.

The spate of terrorist attacks in Manchester, Jakarta, Egypt and London highlights the heightening threat of IS in the month of Ramadan. IS fighters have distorted the true meaning of Ramadan to justify more attacks in this blessed month.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

51. (2017, Sep 19). IS Ideology: Debunking its pseudo-religious character. Jointly written with NurulHuda Yussof. RSIS Commentaries CO17170.

The recent arrest of two Singaporeans under the Internal Security Act (ISA) highlights the pivotal role IS ideology plays in current radicalisation processes. The key to effectively challenge IS propaganda is to invalidate its claim of religious legitimacy.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

52. (2017, Sep 28). Countering violent extremism: role of women and family. Jointly written with Sabariah Mohamed Hussin. RSIS Commentaries CO17179.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

53. (2017, Okt 10). Kepentingan penulisan dalam arena dakwah. Berita Harian, hal. 5.

Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Dakwah

54. (2017, Okt 25). RRG contoh penting kerjasama pemerintah dan masyarakat tangani ancaman pengganas. Berita Harian, hal. 8.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

55. (2017). From Kharijites to Daesh: Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. prediction of extremist thought. Inabah: Journey to the Path of Truth, Issue 29, pp. 6-8.

Muslim extremist groups will continue to exist until the Day of Judgement. The roots of the vicious extreme beliefs of Daesh or IS can be traced back to Kharijites (the first extremist group in Islamic history). Find out who they are and their doctrines and characteristics.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

56. (2017). Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) in Singapore. Inabah: Journey to the Path of Truth 30, p. 8 – 13.

The story of RRG is a fine example of the importance government-community partnership in dealing with the threat of terrorism and extremism.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

57. (2017). Debunking ISIS narratives of end-time prophecies. Inabah: Journey to the Path of Truth 30, p. 22 –25.

There is a pressing need to counter ISIS narratives with a rigorous in- depth study of the Prophetic Traditions to prevent the genuine messages of Islam from being manipulated or misunderstood.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

58. (2017). Youth needs to be more discerning online. Inabah: Journey to the Path of Truth 30, p. 22 – 25.

The enduring threat of ISIS ideology is an important reminder that we must strive harder in ensuring that extremist ideologies do not undermine the fabric of a plural and progressive society in Singapore.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi

59. (2018, Mar 9). Inclusivism and religious plurality: a Quranic perspective. RSIS Commentaries CO 18039.

Inclusivism and living within a religiously plural context are not alien to Islam. Rather, many parts of the Quran speak about them and extoll their virtues.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

60. (2018, Apr 4). Labelling IS fighters: Khawarij, not Jihadi-Salafis. RSIS Commentaries CO18063.

Islamic State (IS) fighters are more suitably called Khawarij and not Jihadi-Salafis. An accurate labelling of them is important to avoid the wrong and misleading use of Islamic terms.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

61. (2018, Jul 23). Hidup inklusif dalam masyarakat majmuk. Berita Harian, hal. 6.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

62. (2018, Ogos 20). Identiti harus satukan pelbagai kaum, agama dalam kerukunan. Berita Harian, hal. 10.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

63. (2018, Ogos 22). Menghayati pengorbanan dalam Islam. Berita Harian, hal. 6.


64. (2018, Sep 3). Sifat inklusif dalam kepelbagaian agama menurut Al-Quran. Berita Harian, hal. 5.

Keharmonian Kaum & Agama

65. (2018, Oct 17). “Enemies” of God: extremists’ perception of the religious other. Joinlty written with Sabariah Mohamed Hussin. RSIS Commentaries CO17193.

Muslim extremists perceive people of other religion as “enemies” of God. This perception is formed through a perverted interpretation of Islamic scriptures.

Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Golongan Pelampau

66. (2018, Okt). The Sufi remedy: an antidote to religious extremism and violence. Inabah 31, pp. 17-19.

Sufism appears to be an effective remedy to cure sick minds harbouring extremist thoughts and violence. This can be done by focussing on inner dimensions of Islam and purifications of the soul.

Tasawuf / Tazkiyyatun Nafs

stories from the author

Edition No. 21

Dua Sudut Pelampauan: Golongan Puritan Dan Liberal Dalam Beragama

Hari ini, Muslim disibukkan oleh isu pelampauan dalam bentuk pengganasan dan ideologi yang mendasarinya. Ramai yang terlepas pandang satu lagi…

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