1. (2014, Mei – Ogos). Seni sebagai medium tarbiah. Tulisan bersama Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib. Ar Risalah 15, hal. 2-5.
Diterbit semula: (2016, Jul 22). Sebar dakwah melalui seni. Berita Harian, hal. 14.
Karya seni seharusnya tidak melalaikan Muslim dari beribadat dan mengingati Allah. Fakta tentang penggunaan alatan musik seperti gamelan dan irama zapin Melayu sebagai medium tarbiah.
Islam & Seni, Dakwah
2. (2014, Jun). In search of spirit and soul. Inabah 26, p. 51-54.
The main challenge for the Muslim scholars and preachers, apart from advocating purity of knowledge in monotheism and fiqh, is to create awareness in the Muslim community on the importance of beauty, acknowledging it as a blessing is as good as grasping blooming flowers.
3. (2015, Jan-Apr). Penamaan semula jihad. Tulisan bersama Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib. Ar-Risalah 17, hal. 8-13.
Huraian jihad yang songsang dengan tafsiran sebenarnya. Usaha membetulkan imej jihad dengan pendekatan dinamik dalam era media sosial. Penjelasan konsepnya adalah tanggungjawab semua pihak.
Jihad, Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi
4. (2015, Apr). The mufti-mustafti approach to religious rehabilitation. Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA), Volume 7, Issue 03, pp. 14-20.
Discusses the mufti-mustafti approach to religious counselling, their goal is to rehabilitate extremists into embracing moderate views and to enable them to denounce their radical beliefs.
Kaunseling & Pemulihan Agama
5. (2015, Sep-Dis). Alam Islam dari ruang anestetik ke estetik. Tulisan bersama Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib. Ar-Risalah 19, hal. 9-14.
Kesedaran alam dapat dipertingkatkan melalui pembelajaran Islam dengan menyebatikan konsep agama dengan isu kontemporari masyarakat.
Agama dan Kemajuan
6. (2016, Sep 27). Driving out ISIS from Libya: What lies ahead? Jointly written with Mohammed Sinan Siyech. RSIS Commentaries CO16237.
Libyan forces with US air support are driving out Islamic State fighters in Libya. Still the oil-rich nation is deeply divided by rival factions and armed militias.
Politik – Timur Tengah
7. (2016, Sep 28). From legitimacy to social change: Understanding the appeal of Salafism. Jointly written with Dr Mohamed Ali. RSIS Commentaries CO16238.
As a religious ideology, Salafism is gaining wide acceptance in the Muslim world while attracting increasing attention in the West today. Many Muslims embrace it as the authentic Islam. What are the features that make Salafism so appealing to many Muslims ?
Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi
8. (2017). Countering radical ideology through religious rehabilitation. Inabah : Journey to the Path of Truth, Issue 29, pp. 16-19.
Drawing from the experience of the RRG, religious scholars play a vital role in correcting the mindsets of detainees who misinterpreted religious concepts to serve political ends.
Kaunseling & Pemulihan Agama
9. (2017). Asatizah’s role in religious rehabilitation. Inabah : Journey to the Path of Truth, Issue 30, pp. 36-40.
Religious rehabilitation should be part and parcel of a holistic approach in a deradicalisation programme. The success of the religious component gives authorities the confidence to release previously radicalized detainees back into the society.
Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Kaunseling & Pemulihan Agama
10. (2017, Okt 27). Asatizah terjah minda tahanan demi basmi salah tafsir agama. Berita Harian, hal. 10.
Aliran Pemikiran / Ideologi, Asatizah – Cabaran & Peluang, Kaunseling & Pemulihan Agama